CDC Covid-19 GuidelinesJan 07, 2022Do you need to quarantine? Not everyone who has had close contact with a COVID-positive person needs to quarantine, according to the CDC.
COVID-19 Vaccine BoosterJan 07, 2022If you get the Moderna booster, you will receive half of the original Moderna dose. Please be sure to confirm this with the person giving you the shot.
Covid- 19 UpdateNov 17, 2020In an effort to ensure timely and safe care for our patients, we’re pleased to announce the offering of Telemedicine at Your Wellness Sources (YWS). Our providers will deliver the same world-class clinical care to you in the comfort of your home!
Help Is HereAug 17, 2020Stress is a normal psychological and physical reaction to the demands of life. Everyone reacts differently to difficult situations, and it’s normal to feel stress and worry during a crisis.